Membership Agreement




第1条 会員は本機構の目的に賛同して入会した法人又は団体とする。
2 会員は、本機構について、一般社団法人及び一般財団法人に関する法律(以下「一般社団・財団法人法」という。)上の社員となるものではない。

第2条 会員として入会しようとする者は、所定の入会申込書を提出し、理事会の承認を受けなければならない。
2 会員として入会しようとする者は、次の各号のすべての要件を満たさなければならない。
3 入会申込者又はその役員が次の各号の一に該当するとき、又はこれに準ずる事由により会員として相応しくないと理事会が認めるときは、当該入会申込者の入会は認めない。
3 過去に会員であった者の再入会においては、過去において除名の処分を受けたものでなく、かつ現在において未納会費がない者でなければならない。
4 理事会において入会の可否を決定したときは、入会決定通知書により、入会申込者に通知する。

第3条 会員が次の各号の一に該当する場合には、その資格を喪失する。
(3)2 年以上会費を滞納したとき。

第4条 会員が退会しようとするときは、所定の退会届を提出しなければならない。ただし、会員からの退会届提出前に、当該会員の処分手続が開始されている場合には、退会届を受理しないことができる。

第5条 会員が次の各号の一に該当する場合は、理事会の決議により除名することができる。

第6条 会員は、第8条ないし第9条に従い、入会金、年会費及び臨時会費を納入しなければならない。
2 会員がその資格を喪失しても、既納の入会金、年会費、臨時会費及びその他の拠出金品は、返還しない。
3 入会金、年会費及び臨時会費は、本機構の運営費とするものとし、監事がこれを監査する。

第7条 入会金は、40万円とする。

第8条 年会費は、6万円とする。なお、本機構の定款第33条に定める事業年度を1年度とする。
2 事業年度の中途で入会した会員の当該事業年度の年会費は、当該事業年度の末日までの期間が4ヶ月に満たない場合は3万円、4ヶ月を超える場合は1事業年度の年会費と同額とする。
3 年会費は、本機構の請求に基づき、請求月の翌月末までに指定口座宛に入金する方法により納入するものとする。

第9条 本機構の運営上、特に必要と認めた場合、本機構の社員総会の決議を経て臨時会費を徴収することができるものとする。
2 臨時会費は、本機構の請求に基づき、請求月の翌月末までに指定口座宛に入金する方法により納入するものとする。

第10条 本機構は、会員の名称及び住所を記載した名簿を作成する。

第11条 会員は、その名称、住所、代表者又は連絡先等に変更があったときは、遅滞なくその旨を届け出なければならない。

(変 更)
第12条 この規程は、本機構の社員総会の決議によって変更することができる。


Enacted in June 1,2017
Japan Business Research Institute for Tourism & IR(JIR)

 This agreement establishes rules towards members who agree with purpose of Japan Business Research Institute for Tourism & IR(hereinafter, referred to as “JIR”)

Article 1 Members here are corporations or organizations who agree with purposes of JIR.
2 Members are not employees stipulated in the Act on General Incorporated Association and General Incorporated Foundation (hereinafter, referred to as “GAGIF”)

Article 2 The applicant who would like to be a member should present a prescribed application form and get an approval from the board of directors of our organization.
The applicant who would like to be a member should satisfy all the following requirements.
(1) The applicant should be admitted as the one who would make contribution to our organization by the board of directors.
(2) The applicant should get recommendations from 2 or more members.
(3) The applicant should get recommendations from one or more directors.
The applicant or its directors won’t be admitted as a member of our organization in case it falls under any of the following items (including the case decided by our board of directors as being equivalent thereto).
(1) The one arrested as a suspect in a criminal case (excluding a minor offence) or indicted as a defendant
(2) The one investigated and accused in a tax crime
(3) The one violated the laws and ordinances which should be followed in its work or disregarded orders of the government agencies concerned
(4) The one under suspension of banking transaction and lost its credit in business
(5)The one which has some directors or employees having some relationship with organized crime group members under Clause 2 Article 2 of Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members or gangsters under Clause 6 Article 2 of above Act who could harm our operation and credibility of our organization.
3. An ex-member could re-entry only when it was not dismissed from our organization and does not have any unpaid fees.
4. An applicant will be informed the result by notice of acceptance once approved by board of directors.

(Disqualification of a membership)
Article 3 A member will lose its membership in case it falls under any of the following items.
(1) When resigned from our organization
(2) When dissolved
(3) When failed behind fees for more than 2 years
(4) When dismissed from membership

Article 4 The member should submit notice of resignation to resign. However, it may not be accepted in case procedure of disciplinary action against relevant member started.

(Dismissal from membership)
Article 5 The member could be dismissed by resolution of board of directors in case it falls under any of the following items.
(1) When the member act to defame our organization or defeat our purpose
(2) When the member act to impair its dignity
(3) When the member act against laws and public order
(4) When there are other justifiable grounds

(Payment of fees)
Article 6 The member should pay admission charge, annual membership fee and extraordinary fee under article 8 and article 9.
2. Admission charge, annual membership fee, extraordinary fee and any other payment once made won’t be refunded even if the member lost its membership.
3. Admission charge, annual membership fee and extraordinary fee will be utilized for operating cost of our organization, which are to be inspected by our auditors.

(Admission charge)
Article 7 Admission charge is 400,000 Japanese Yen.

(Annual membership fee)
Article 8 Annual membership fee is 60,000 Japanese Yen. A business year here is as stipulated in Article 33 of our organization’s Article of Association.
2. The annual membership fee for a member who joined in the middle of a business year is 30,000 yen if the period until the last day of the business year is less than 4 months, and if the annual membership fee exceeds 4 months, it shall be the same as the annual membership fee for one business year.
3. Annual membership fee should be paid to designated account by the next month-end from the invoice month.

(Extraordinary fee)
Article 9 Once admitted and resolved as necessary for the operation of our organization by general meeting of partners of our organization, extraordinary fee could be collected.
2. Extraordinary fee should be paid to designated account by the next month-end from the invoice month.

(Membership List)
Article 10 Our organization prepares membership list with names and addresses of our members.

Article 11 A member should notify our organization of changes of its name, address, representative etc. without delay.

Article 12 This agreement could be revised by the resolution of general meeting of partners.